ultimate blog party, 2008 (1999 did have a better ring to it)

I have lost my everloving mind, searching for more great blogs to read because honestly, my life plate is full. But I couldn't resist, partying with the girls.

Pretending I own a turn table.

There was a 70s-tastic picture, RIGHT HERE, but Google/Blogger is under the weather. It's making me mad...

And records.

So, here's the scoop: Throw a party, and mingle with the ladies - all from the comfort of your own home. Did I mention there are prizes?


And if you are new here today: Welcome. I'm terrible at introductions so check out my about page and please, browse around.

(And while you are all dolled up, why don't you stop over at Mommified Me and drop off some birthday love and attention to Ms. Cami. She deserves it.)


Anonymous said…
I made it!!! I'm so glad you're at the party... I wasn't sure I would know anyone.
I'm crap at mingling. I really am. But...umm...hi? =P
Mrs. G. said…
You are such a party girl. Have fun!
CamiKaos said…
oh thanks sweetie...
I spilled red wine on your couch. Got seltzer?
Karen Jensen said…
Don't know that I can make it to the party. Heck, I'm barely making it to my own blog! But lift a glass for me!
I'm not new here but thought I'd stop in and say hello for the party anyway :)
Smirking Cat said…
I'm fashionably late to the party, but I had lipstick on my teeth and my heel broke off. Oooh, cheese and crackers...*scooting off with wine in hand*
Unknown said…
Still hopping from blog to blog... my goal is to post at each blog at least once. Nice to meet you. Happy blogging!

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