these boots were made for walking

When I read that Cami Kaos has high blood pressure, and not just because of her mommified state, but the real deal, it got me thinking. Heart disease is scary stuff. I'm lucky. I have a slough of health concerns, but my heart is sound.

I want to keep it that way. I want to teach my kids to abstain from the salt lick. I want to do all I can to avoid my Grandma's fate.

So, I'm taking the challenge. I'm dedicated to working out at least three times a week this month. I'm kicking it off with 58 pounds of layers, moving my keister down the pavement.


Cute boots!

I'm a fit friend as well. Heaven knows I need the kick in the pants! Good luck!
Daisy said…
Wow - how timely! My husband and I were JUST talking about this last night. We're both in our mid/late thirties, and it's just dawned on us are not healthy...and that...well....could mean we will actually get heart disease and DIE or maybe a stroke, or maybe cancer! Oh my gosh, we never thought it could happen to us, but you know what? It can...and it does!

So, I'm making a post request -- tell your dear readers about your Fit February idea, please! There's all sorts of excuses -- no time, no energy, no time, no interest, no time, etc for NOT working out, but the truth is, if we don't, we're going to die early. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said…
I like to chase Stephanie around the house. Does that help my health?

Melanie said…
The boots! You made a heart! Clever girl.

I just re-joined the gym down the hill. And the gym has childcare, so I'm kind of tempted to "work out" for five hours everyday for the rest of the winter.
stephanie said…
The boot heart - you're genius. And the exercising? Also smart. I know I should, I know I should...
JCK said…
Your post feels eerie to me today. My husband has had horrific headaches for several days in a row now and my mom said I should go buy a BP cuff. Your post seems like another message. I'm off!

Thank you for posting about this, Lisa.
Mrs. G. said…
I heart your heart. Doing my part over here on the South Beach. Good for you.
katydidnot said…
i'm in too. love the boot heart. brilliant.
flutter said…
I'm in too, babe! I am really proud of you
The matron is an exercise addict. She explodes without the routine: run four miles for 3-4 days, one day of deep yoga, run for 3-4 days, one day of rest.

It's a winner!

And (drum roll): I started this the year I turned forty. Never too late, little sisters.
Anonymous said…
Minnesota Matron -- I am IMPRESSED. Thanks for the encouragement!
Suzanne said…
I've decided to start back up on my yoga. It's something I can do at my own house, without any added tools or contraptions, no matter the weather. Plus I find it soothes my inner weirdo.

(ps- love, love the boots, girl.)
CamiKaos said…
Lisa I love those boots... oh red boots. oh boot hearts.

This post got us at least one more fit friend as I know it guilted stephanie into coming over!!

Or was it her desire for a badge... I can't recall...

Great post!

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