24 hours; how will I manage and who will buy the TP?

I woke up this morning, raring to go. I managed to shuffle the youngins over to Sandy to see my parents yesterday, and pulled off my first day completely to myself in months. Boy, did I have plans - my to do list was long because I WANT TO DO IT ALL. See 'Knocked Up' (though it left the theatres around here today), go to Powell's, buy toilet paper, finish unfinished craft projects, start writing my novel, read my favorite blogs, aquabox, and maybe nap before date night with hubby.

I think I got to 'read blogs' in my swanky purple robe, and petered out.

It's disheartening, and so like me to have crazy expectations for one 24 hour period.

So, I am picking just a couple things and making a solemn pinky-swear promise to myself that I will make time for some fun, just for me, more often so I won't feel so desperate to fit it all in every six months.

Maybe we could have more date nights too. What a concept.

(Watch out world. I'm buying TP. Living large. Some things I just can't escape.)


Suzanne said…
Sometimes it just happens like that. I, myself, love a nap whenever I can... since I so often don't sleep very well at night.

I hope your day was fun, whatever you ended up doing.
Jean-Luc Picard said…
It's always fun reading blogs we haven't come across before. You have a good one here.

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