quickly, before I run, run, run

another morning
Originally uploaded by mama.milton

Greg was here,
and now he's gone.
He left his wife
to carry on.

With bickering kids,
and laundry too.
No wonder I'm becoming
such a shrew.

So, I'm taking a break,
trying to rhyme,
trying to make better use of my time.

The reason, you ask.
Why torture you so?
Why write bad poetry,
to fill you with woe?

I'm not feeling mean,
Or even depressed.
Just way too busy,
which you probably guessed.

{Come back tomorrow. Please. No lame poetry, pinkie swear.}


CamiKaos said…
I loved the lame poetry!
katydidnot said…
your poetry rocks
i hate matching socks
i hope that your man
returns in his van
and you join him and then the van rocks
Spagirl said…
You so need a foot soak! And yes, let's get together next week.
Daisy said…
I LOVED your poem! :-)
stephanie said…
I teach this stuff and can't come up with anything good when I'm lonely, tired, and grouchy. Not that you're any of those things...;) Never with me anyway.

You're awesome.

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