cue the beastie boys
I put the buttons on the table and passed out the gloves; the rest was crafty magic. I think I need to invite this kind of creativity, and mess, again. The kids are still talking about it.
{It's Wordless Wednesday, yo.}
Edited to add: Here's directions to two of the patterns, off of the Martha Stewart website.
Super fun idea; totally impressive Mom work.
Oh, that's right- it's called TV!
Are you still 'always down'?
I finally made good on my promise and we made them with an extra buddy, another 7 year-old boy.
I cut the gloves for the boys, but the rest, seriously, I had them do themselves. Even when they whined. And they turned out great.
(I did help with the buttons. They were tough.)
Here's a link to the book:
Lexi has since made a panda and a bunny.
Ok Beastie Boys: is it:
"Brass Monkey. That Funky Monkey. Brass Monkey Junky, that funky Monkey." Was it "Me & the boys were drinkin' brass monkey?" :)
(stupid naked pic)
Blogger tongue. :P