Blissful health

The Day came and went. It was near perfect. The kids were thrilled that Santa found our house. (Lexi got her first camera; Zack finally has a 'boy' scooter.) I made cinnamon rolls, but they were too excited to eat. Greg and the kids checked out a new video game while I did 20 minutes of yoga with Sara Ivanhoe. (Doing a little yoga staves off aches and pains-- it's the best stress reliever.)

We had a great day with my family. The kids got just the right amount of loot. They weren't overwhelmed, or crazed. Everything fit in the car. We were relaxed and happy. The food was great.

It wasn't all that different from past holidays. That is, with one big exception. I felt physically great. No serious headache or neurological problem. No sinus infection. A little fatigue, but the normal 'I-have-kids-at-Christmas' kind. Being well makes everything better, sweeter, richer. Health is the best gift of all.


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