Sauvieland 2006

Sauvie Island
Originally uploaded by mama.milton.
When Imago Dei promises to take over a joint, we aren't messing around. After a tough afternoon*, there's nothing better than a trip out to Sauvie Island, just outside of Portland. We took a hayride and trick-or-treated through the corn maize. There was even s'mores. (Although Greg and I are not marshmallow fans. Yuck.) Lexi busted out her own version of Irish/Country dancing on about 14 feet of hay, while Zack threatened to jump, or rather, fall off. Thankfully, there were no injuries, just a sense of how lucky we are to have finally found a church to call our own. We had a great time.

*(Zack needed a change of clothes today at school for the accident that shall remain nameless. He was crushed and tearful, certain that no other 5 year old has miscalculated both the door lock and urgency of the matter. It took dry shoes and a visit with his kind principal to make it through the last 30 minutes of school.)


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