
As in, I'm old enough to be attending my 20 year reunion tonight, post-perm, circa 1989.

I'm headed up the mountain to toast twenty years, and then we are off to the coast to spend time with my family over the weekend. See you on Monday!

(PS: Mrs. G is running one of my posts over at the Women's Colony today, in the family room - a groupie's dream come true.)


Candace said…
Happy 20 year reunion! Looks like we miss saying hello. We won't be over until Saturday - coming from the coast. lol
JCK said…
Have a wonderful time! I just attended my 30th! Ha!

Congrats on the byline on Women's Colony!
w said…
"To pass me the crack pipe." You are KILLING me! LOL!! I'm gonna have to work that into conversation as soon as possible. I've always had a little envy for your stature and now, your Zumba awesomeness. :D
have a good time. I think my 20 year is coming up soon.
Suzanne said…
Those bangs are frickin awesome, girl.

I just missed my 15th... and wasn't too terribly sad about it. 20 will be here soon enough. Jeez, where does the time go??
Suzanne said…
ps- was it common in '89 to pose for senior portraits with your pets?? Or did you have an inordinate number of goofballs in your class?
lapoflux said…
Sounds like the reunion was fun - glad to hear it!
I was also so pleased to see your post up at the Women's Colony!! I remember that one (such a great one!) and felt all proud of you ;-)
You are my sister's age. It's quite a legacy to be the last class of the decade to graduate. You can say without reservation, "I grew up in the 80's!"

I attended my first reunion a few years back and was amazed at how old everyone else looked!
Saucy said…
Congrats on the post over at WC. For bloggers, it's like an Emmy nod!!
Madge said…
went to my 20 year reunion three years ago. totally worth it. hadn't been back since graduation and it was so much better than i thought it would be -- looking forward to going back for the 25th.
Stu said…
Hope you had a good time. Thank you for not taking your dog or cat to your senior year photo shoot. (snort!)

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