
I said yes, before we even took the trip. I said yes to snorkeling on an unknown shore, being brave and all and pretending to not be afraid of drowning.

There was some hyperventilating (on my part), and a lot of nudging and pleading (that would be Greg) especially after the warnings before we got in the water about being dashed on the lava rocks and/or coral, but I launched myself off the back of the sailboat just the same.

I know this is a given for many people, but for me, somewhat water phobic? It was a huge thing.

greg and lisa on the boat
Lisa and Greg, post-snorkel, mid-burn (and coached to play tourist)

I'm glad I took the plunge.


brandy101 said…
I wish this was posted on FB so I could click *LIKE* under that great pic!

stephanie said…
You are tremendously heroic. I couldn't do it (as is famously told...).

You guys look bright & beautiful, as always :D
You are my inspiraton, brave one.
lapoflux said…
woohoo! You brave woman you!
I bet you were thrilled too - there are few things as wonderful.

Good for you!
Saucy said…
Did you see anything cool? I did the first time I went (terrified) and was thrilled to see lots, but the second time, meh. Glad you tried something new! We all need to venture outside the comfort zone...
Shana said…
You are so brave. I'd have been planted on the beach, watching, and then filled with regret when I got home.
Suzanne said…
That is the coolest picture.

Frame it, immediately.

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