tv talk, well, if I could speak
As being sick goes, laryngitis has some advantages. I feel well enough to exercise and if I were a good frau, I could, in theory, clean my house because when I'm alone, it's not a big deal. I'm following the doctor's WebMD's advice and not clearing my throat and resting my voice, drinking tea.
But then. The kids come home and they ask questions from other rooms and when I don't answer - duh - they just keep saying 'Mom?' until I come to them and stomp my foot. I'm so proud of my very mature behavior.
Just add a husband to the mix and I was exhausted by then the end of the night, for clearly I am a blabbermouth most days and no one, including me, knows how to respond to this, 'you must make eye contact with me to hear me' thing.
Enough complaining. Let's turn our attention to sweeps, just around the corner, and I will fess up to some of my favorites, littering my DVR settings.
Some are obvious. Dollhouse was a given for me this year because I am ridiculously loyal to Joss Whedon. It started a bit slow, but every week, I am grow more curious to see where he is going with this show. (Others have said more astute things about long story arcs and such, but it's suffice to say I have FAITH in Joss, amen. I trust his storytelling.)
And the neo-X-files show that feels a bit like LOST? Well, I like me some Fringe because my inner nerd loves the unexplained. (Is reddish hair a prerequisite to supernatural investigations? See? Lots to think about.)
I broke up with Grey's Anatomy when Lexie announced she was Meredith's sister while they were pulling gurneys out of an ambulance a couple of seasons ago - because who does that? - but I eventually made amends with the medical drama just in time to cry during every damn episode this year. I fold laundry and tear up, which leads me to believe that the writing is great or I am unstable.
Moving on...
Ahhh, Saving Grace. Holly Hunter's Grace character is gritty and promiscuous and delightful and unapologetic.
Leon Rippy's chuckle alone - the lighthearted guardian angel, sent to save Grace - makes the show for me.
Now for my favorites, something old and something new. Have you checked out Castle? Okay, it's a formula we're all familiar with ala Moonlighting but Nathan Fillion plays his rascally role so well that I am sending him to the Cabana to frolic with the other menfolk at The Women's Colony.
And where would I be without LOST? Now that we've moved past the whole 'how to get off the island thing', I am loving this mind-bending show. I have big hopes for this season's finale...
Now I'm off, off the couch and moving. I feel like a slug after admitting to all this couch potato behavior.
What are your favorites, dear readers? I know, I know, you don't watch TV, right? I feel so ashamed...
But then. The kids come home and they ask questions from other rooms and when I don't answer - duh - they just keep saying 'Mom?' until I come to them and stomp my foot. I'm so proud of my very mature behavior.
Just add a husband to the mix and I was exhausted by then the end of the night, for clearly I am a blabbermouth most days and no one, including me, knows how to respond to this, 'you must make eye contact with me to hear me' thing.
Enough complaining. Let's turn our attention to sweeps, just around the corner, and I will fess up to some of my favorites, littering my DVR settings.

Moving on...

Now I'm off, off the couch and moving. I feel like a slug after admitting to all this couch potato behavior.
What are your favorites, dear readers? I know, I know, you don't watch TV, right? I feel so ashamed...
Lie to Me.
The holy trinity of television in our home.
I like LOST even though Stephanie has almost given up on it.
Survivor still keeps my attention
Six Feet Under (yes, I know, way late).
Hope you feel better soon.
The commercials for Castle haven't turned me on, but I love that you referenced Moonlighting. How awesome was THAT show?!
Haven't gotten back into Grey's Anatomy, but kind of want to.
Have been catching up on Weeds via NetFlix --- so so so so good.
oh look, it's homework time -- might be some foot stompin' around here...
Real Housewives of NY (although this season has proven to be dull)
Keeping Up W. the Kardashians (I am embarrassed to admit that!)
Blackhawks Hockey (its the playoffs, yanno)
And the usual Sunday night animation domination thing on Fox but I am not sold on the latest in that lineup...not yet, at least.
Sunday, May 3, 10am. Ira Glass hosts this special episode featuring a live audience, which was broadcast in an extended two-hour live HD version to theaters last week. The onstage performance includes appearances by some of TAL's favorite contributors: Dan Savage, Starlee Kine and Mike Birbiglia. Plus a very special appearance by Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Rebroadcast: Wednesday, May 6, 8pm.
Aside from that, we DVR Fringe, Dollhouse, and House. Castle's on the DVR but I haven't had the chance to watch it yet.
My favorite guilty TV pleasure is Brothers and Sisters.
Grey's, still.
Brothers & Sisters.
Real Housewives (of anywhere, but especially NYC)
Ghost Hunters
Laryngitis or not, the yelling from another room to get my attention makes me nuts. But it's okay if I do it. :)
We get a lot through our Canadian version of Netflix. A lot of the new Doctor Who and other BBC comedies. Love those Brits.
I am still digging on Lost, because where else can you find such a collection of delicious men folk? 30 Rock and The Office make up the other 2 we watch faithfully.