spring break was good and then it came to an end

We tried our best to ignore Morning, but it came, just the same, ushered in with dueling alarm clocks and deep sighs.

Zack came downstairs, surly and allergy stricken until his sister reminded him she too wanted to ditch school on the warmest day of the year, but she was 'sucking it up', and he upped his grouchy quotient by about 42%.

I dosed them with the appropriate pills - all this sunshine equals a whole lot of pollen - and sent them on their merry way.

My kids like to accuse me of being a bit too giddy when school resumes after a break, and I guess that's fair. I adore my sweet kids and I loved the break we savored and shared: museums, and swimming, and golf and PLAY PLAY PLAY, seeing friends and going to readings. And because we did it up right, I am content to have the house to myself, these quiet moments making the rest possible as I piece myself back together again with tea and words.


brandy101 said…
Girl, can I just say I LOVE Mondays during the school year.

Long weekends just kill me...
stephanie said…
This last break was done up so well here, I keep having these thoughts of returning to stay-at-home status...
Madge said…
my ten year old started sniffing furiously on saturday -- i knew what was coming this morning... "i'm sick...."

that boy went to school
Stu said…
42%. Awesome.

Mrs. G. said…
It's always bittersweet to return, emphasis on the sweet.
Amazing Girl was so grumpy during break that I was cheering when the school bus came. This is one break I don't mind ending.

Next year, Disneyland. We don't EVER want those breaks to end.
susiej said…
There is some peace in that... the kids leaving for school. Too bad for the kids... the warmest day?! No fair!
Erika said…
Is it bad that I extended break just when it got sunny so we could go to central oregon & ski bachelor when no one else is here!?!? The guilt in writing that email to the school was HIGH! "Um...excused absence till....um... Well not sure, gotta check out the powder, will let u know on tuesday if its good enuff snow to stay here all week, otherwise they will be back on wednesday.". Hope they didn't send that to the superintendant!
Tricia said…

We're on spring break this week, and after two days at home, my son wants to go back to preschool. I apparently need to up the fun quota and ditch work.
Karen Jensen said…
Our spring break (seems like years ago) was rainy and cold. Poor kids.
San Diego Momma said…
"As I piece myself back together again with tea and words."

I love that.

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