
Every Monday I am there.

There's no pomp or circumstance; I cross the classroom, calling each student over to pick out a book for the week's homework.

They come with wiggly teeth and diverse backgrounds; our big blue marble condensed in these four walls.

And I have to believe that this generation may just get it right.


I believe you are right.
Tricia said…
I share your hope!
I have a lot more hope about our prospects to get it right since November 4th. :-)
holly said…
but it's not about the winning. it's about the journey...

isn't it?
We have so far to go, but we have come SO far. Beautifully put.
holly said…
oh i *just* realized what day it is for you guys. i get it now. and my comment doesn't really fit.

but then, do they ever?
flutter said…
here's to hoping
Suzanne said…
We have come a very long way. When I talked to my kids about it, Zoe had a hard time believing that black kids used to not be able to go to school with white kids. I told her it never made sense to me either...

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