The mornings are icy, but the sun spills out over our afternoons. The kids dust off their bikes, taking advantage of these unseasonable bright days. The mayhem echoes from the garage.
Every morning I bounce merrily on my rebounder, as merrily as I can to the loud obnoxious music I seem to prefer. I seem to be working out some issues, contemplative and quiet on this page.
Every post I begin in my head - bounce, bounce, bounce - turns into a rambling rant, training to become a manifesto.
I sprint past 675 posts, still with so much more to say, once I unravel this knot with a stranglehold on my mind.
But the sun is setting, coming through the trees and I have dinner to make, homework to supervise, children aiming to be heard.
I pause, taming unruly thoughts for another day.
I like your way with words. :)
Gotta get those knots out though...they're holding us down...
Any post from you is worth reading.
~Drink coffee, do stupid things faster with more energy.
~You child-proofed your house but they still get in, don't they?
~A friend