I woke to angry birds.
Maybe they weren't angry, but they were loud, persistent. I guess they had a lot to say this morning, at 5 am.
A truck backed up, joined the choir; plastic trash cans pulled across the pavement provided the back beat.
I shuffled into the kitchen, ground my beans and tried to siphon off some of the energy outside my door.
It's a wild shot on a Monday, but that won't stop me from trying.
Maybe they weren't angry, but they were loud, persistent. I guess they had a lot to say this morning, at 5 am.
A truck backed up, joined the choir; plastic trash cans pulled across the pavement provided the back beat.
I shuffled into the kitchen, ground my beans and tried to siphon off some of the energy outside my door.
It's a wild shot on a Monday, but that won't stop me from trying.